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Training Programs

What We Do

HoonerMund runs various programs in training skills to underprivileged youth.  It is mindful of the effectiveness of the training programs constantly monitors its demand and effectiveness. Each training program is strictly scrutinized by getting the surveys and feedback we get from the candidates who have already completed the training and have entered their practical life. If needed the adjustments are made in the curriculum and the trade to adapt to the real-life scenarios and demand. Our main intention is to train a person so he or she could make it a career and could earn decent living in an honest way. The following programs are run by HoonerMund to suit different needs of the beneficiaries.



How We are Changing Lives


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Director of Punjab Technical Board

Director of Punjab Technical Board

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Director of Punjab Technical Board

Director of Punjab Technical Board

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AC / Fridge Mechanic

AC / Fridge Mechanic

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Audio Testimonials
Tailor Testimony - Nayab Naqvi
00:00 / 00:00
Rehri Setup - Mohummud Ramzan
00:00 / 00:00
Silai Training to young girls - Nasreen Bibi (Mother)
Rehri Setup - Habib

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Vocational Skills Training 

HoonerMund provides skills development for underprivileged youth in a classroom setting.  We specialize in several trades including electricians, plumbers, beauticians, dressmaker & designers, welders, masons & bricklayers.

Experts in the specific trades conduct classes and upon satisfactory completion of the course the candidate is awarded a HoonerMund certification. 

Our Mission
Training Scholarships 

HoonerMund wants to expand its scope so that everyone in Pakistan could benefit from its programs. To achieve this, we would like not to restrict ourselves to a certain geographic area and not to restrict our trades in a facility.


An underprivileged individual would take admission in any Institute or apply to HoonerMund for a scholarship. HoonerMund qualifies the beneficiary and pay the fee to the institute directly.

Apprenticeship Training 

HoonerMund wants to expand its scope so that everyone in Pakistan could benefit from its programs. To achieve this, we would like not to restrict ourselves to a certain geographic area and not to restrict our trades in a facility.


An underprivileged individual would take admission in any Institute or apply to HoonerMund for a scholarship. HoonerMund qualifies the beneficiary and pay the fee to the institute directly.

Business Setup to Support Families

This program caters to the family man who is not a suitable candidate for learning a trade and needs to generate instant income. A vending cart (rehr) is bought by HoonerMund and it is filled with the goods such as fruits and vegetables.  The beneficiary sells the goods, keeps the profit as income and replenishes the goods. This is monitored by HoonerMund to prevent misuse by the beneficiary.

We Need Your Support Today!

By recommending us a candidate below poverty level,

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